Thursday, June 13, 2013

Semana Uno en el CCM

Dear Familia,

This week has been crazy and amazing and confusing and long and short..... As you can see my emotions are everywhere!
I cannot believe it has only been a week! Home seems like a crazy dream I had a lifetime ago. The CCM is great! I arrived with a group of 12 other Norteamericanos and we are all going to go to Uruguay! Most groups are going several places but all of the people in my group are going to be in my mission. A big group left just before we got here and so there are only 65 people in the CCM right now.
The first couple days I was part of a threesome, with Hermanas Berlin and Page, who are both from Utah. We had lots of fun, although having to drag two other people around with you at all times was a difficult new experience... The best story I heard all week was from Hermana Page. She had never flown before and so when she walked through the metal detectors at the security checkpoint, she saw someone standing in front of her with their arms open wide. She thought that was a little funny, but she went ahead and hugged the woman anyway....The woman just stood there awkwardly, probably because she was actually one of the airport security guards and she was trying to check Hermana Page for weapons... I laughed so hard imagining that security woman's face!!! 
Then on Saturday, one of the sisters moved up and so I got pulled out of the threesome and was given a new companion Hermana Dean. We have been together for about five days now and I really enjoy her. I never thought that I would meet someone who could out talk me, but I have found that I am very wrong! Sometimes it is difficult to say anything, and sometimes I just feel very  mute because I cannot speak Spanish to any of the native sisters and my companion never stops talking!
So I know you are all dying to know if I got moved up to the faster spanish class and the results are in....Nope! The group that is here, was only here for ten days. They will only move you up if you are close to fluent, and you had better believe I am nowhere near fluent!!! That brings me to one of the funny things of this week...
Yesterday we had what our district called "the English Fast". Yes, it sounds epic and yes, it was somewhat epic....until about lunchtime. We all cracked! We barely know any spanish and so communicating in only spanish became difficult and needlessly stressful! The good news is that due to our "special fast" we now have a district scripture! It is in D&C 10:4 and it reads "Do not run faster or labor more than you have strength and means provided to enable you to translate; but be diligent unto the end." That scripture is absolutely perfect for all of us and our struggles to try and translate.
My compañera and I have also had the chance to teach a couple different investigators (who are actually our teachers). I had a very special experience when teaching an investigator named Carlos. We went in prepared to teach a long lesson on families (in broken spanish mind you!!) and we got talking with him. He told us lots of things about his life and I felt impressed to share with him the concept of prayer and how it would bless him and his family with peace and to know what they should do. He got teary and I was feeling a little emotional as well. Although he wasnt a real investigator, I know that I was feeling the Holy Spirit and that He was guiding me in what I should do. I know that as we listen to the Spirit we can be blessed to know what to do in our lives!
I will write again next Thursday!
Love You Lots,
Hermana McMurray
p.s. Ryan, my two teachers are both people you know. In the morning I have Hermano De Oliveira and in the afternoon I have Hermano Miroshnikov.
p.p.s. Sorry I was told I would write on Tuesday, but P Day is actually on Thursday!

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